Sunday, April 22, 2007


took the boys to the record bar on friday night to see the doo-dads. as usual, it was a rockin' good show about peanut butter in your ears and don't forget your please and thank you's. the kids liked the kid friendly menu as well, however, there was no break dancing by scar to be had this night, t'was unfortunate. next show is may 25th, we will be there, or we will be square. who doesn't love takin' the youngsters to the local watering hole?

Sunday, April 08, 2007

a right of passage or a wrong?

no. 2 finally did it, he took the life of his cute liam gallagher-ish haircut and hacked at his own locks. yes, it's true. i myself waited until i was in the first grade to put my own scissors to work during some kind of boring writing lesson i am sure. i may possibly be the only child who didn't cut my bangs though, i took a big ol' chunk right from the crown of my head. i had a really funny looking cowlick for like a year afterwards too, kind of alfalfa-like. of course, you may be asking yourself, where was the parental supervision during this time of salon simulation? well, let's just say that a teenage babysitter doesn't always think about what happens when the older kid puts the scissors down after he gets done using them. she even pulled the family flo-bee out and thought about mending the damage herself, but decided to leave it to professional hands. i think it only takes once for this to happen, and then we as adults put the damnation of shame upon the child for doing something so heinous as altercation of a haircut. it's not that i really mind that he did it, i have always been unsympathetic to people who whine about their bad haircuts as if their hair will never grow again, it's the fact that his hair was looking really cute lately, ie- the aforementioned oasis-doo. he now looks like david beckham with his buzzcut, still a cute lil brit after all...

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

just a small jaunt to the er for some angioplasty

so my dad emails me today that he's going to be in town the week of april 18th and would i be free to go to dinner with him during the week. he then casually writes me that he had some burning in his chest last week and went to the er in santa fe and had arterial angioplasty. he then talks about how expensive the meds he needs to take are. now, my interpretation of this is... important: coming to kc, let's get together; not important: nearly had a heart attack; important: this medication is gonna cost me big bucks. wtf? i emailed him back to tell him that if he's ever in the er for his heart again, i "expect" an immediate phone call. i don't give a rat's ass if it's the simplest procedure ever, when it involves your heart, there's a need to know from your immediate family members, apparently estranged as we may be. yes dad, it would have been much better to receive the phone call AFTER you were dead!? jesus. mind you, when my dad was married to my mom, money was never any object, he never discussed it, never told my mom to watch any spending, kind of just let it be, now, he and his psychotic wife are like crazy penny-pinching misers. it's not like my mom took the guy to the cleaners or anything either. when we went down to see them 2 years ago, they acted like they couldn't afford to go out to dinner. let me also say that my dad makes well over 6 figures a year. this woman has really done a number on my dad, and he has been a willing partner to her craziness. it totally infuriates me. you know how you casually use to word hate about people you may come across whose personalities don't really mesh with yours, or perhaps they just said something insensitive to you once and you've held a grudge, this does not apply to me when i think of my dad's wife, i seriously hate the woman. you can't be mean to my kids and get away with it, forget how you treat me, who friggin cares, but my kids, who are awesome? don't even go there lady, you'll be cruisin for a bruisin....

really? you really think i need therapy?