Sunday, October 01, 2006

river bottom nightmare band

there once was a day in my not too distant youth when i longed to be a rock star. yes, it's true. i even have the pepto-bismol pink guitar to prove it, but alas, you kinda have to have some skillz to play such an instrument, of which i have none in that department. anyways, i would sit and conjure up songs, and names for my band with other conceptual bandmates, and one day we decided that we would cover the emmet otter's jugband christmas song that was sung by the opposing band during the talent contest, in which emmet otter, for those of you not familiar, lost to. poor thing had to put a hole in the washtub to do it dadgummit. this was the river bottom nightmare band song for those of you with foggy memories. any bands out there who may feel the need to steal such a song has my permission to do so, so long as you send me a copy of your results. perhaps someday, my dream will be fulfilled by some other. mike ireland, i am looking in your direction, even if it has to be country....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Send him an MP3 and it just may happen. ...