Sunday, November 12, 2006

now they make me study....

ok, so i'm gonna come right out and say it, school so far hasn't been really all that "hard" for me to get through. now, it's not necessarily the case for some of my fellow classmates but hey, we all have our own thresholds for knowledge i guess. anyways, i have what, six more weeks of school left? and now they put the pressure on? actually, what i have to say to that is "bring it". i'll fight ye til the end, i've been itchin' for a good fight. i'll pass those damn boards without so much as blinking an eye. that being said, i have to go study.....


Dr Will said...

i felt the same way in grad school. very rarely did i feel truly challenged. i guess this means we are both awesome

Nik Wobbe said...

that's exactly what it means.....awesome.