Monday, January 08, 2007

it all came crushing down

the "crush" has been crushed. it was short and sweet...and fun. i have decided that i like having secret crushes, i find them much more stimulating. i also like the whole flirting ritual. i find that flirting is almost more successful for me than actually winning the "prize" of dating. i also find that i have no patience in the ritual of dating either, i think it's the 30something in me, or maybe just the mother of 2 kids in me, who knows. either way, i was ready for change much sooner than i thought i would have been. i was thinking i wouldn't want to date anyone for a couple of years after the 7 long ones i spent being mostly unhappy with my ex. it's good to know the fire has been sparked, even though i have no idea how to go about dating, i'm not the myspace type. i'm still not in any hurry. i would actually like to not be living with my mom when i introduce myself to any prospective dating partner. my own place would be good, that's next on the 'to do' list...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I feel it was funny to find that men's No. 1 one turn-on is looks, and women's is kindness - although women's No. 3 turn-on is looks," Kaylin said. "We're capable of shallowness as well."