have i told you how much i love the butter chicken? i have picked and choosed, can you say choosed, it sounds better than chosen, some ingredients from various recipes for the butter chicken dish i will be preparing tonight. i need to find some rice that doesn't come in crazy bulk though. can you get basmati in a 5 lb. bag?
i have now moved in with my mom. it's now official, i AM the early 30something basement dweller in my parent's home. i feel like i should have posters of van halen and weezer up on my walls, but i don't. at least it's not like i never moved out, it's just a temporary relocation, and i guess it means i am now newly single. that thought is just kinda weird. it should be interesting living out here in south central....jo.co. that is. living amongst the beige mcMansions of suburbia, but there is a target on every corner and strip malls galore. i was exploring a new strip mall today and came across a gym, like a fitness gym, for kids. how strange is that? i mean, i think kids should be active, and we all know that the youth of today is getting larger by the minute, but i have a feeling, those aren't even the kids who would utilize this gym. i'm thinking it's the parents who won't let their kids play outside because there might be a convicted sex offender within 20 miles of their house, but they still want their kids to be fit and active types of parents. don't get me wrong, i care about the welfare of my children as much as next person, but do i think they should miss out on playing outside during their childhood because of it, no. i even let them play outside unsupervised. as long as i can hear them arguing with one another, i know things are good. i'm sure there are many parents out there who completely disagree, and rightfully so, but i just can't keep them under my thumb for the rest of their lives. que sera....
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