Monday, July 03, 2006

casserole vs. quiche

no. 1 and no. 2 were in rare form today. i am finding the disciplining actions necessary to keep my kids in line extremely exhausting. now that the ex and i are no longer together, i feel it will worsen, since he will be lax on the disciplining while i will be more firm. that sucks. no. 1 had kind of a breakthrough today though, as we were arguing about why he couldn't have water before bed, he told me i was just trying to be mean while he was being nice and asking, which was not the case. yes, he did ask, but then proceeeded not to listen when i said no, and went to get some water anyways. this is when i became mean, and he became a crazed lunatic who was screaming and crying. i was trying to explain to him that it's not really about the water, it's about listening and respecting me, and so on. we talked it out, he asked nicely, i caved and said yes to the both of them, and then i was commended with words from no. 2 that i was "really nice". job well done in the end...i think.

i have been obsessed with a local, perhaps national architectural style found in a handful of areas here in kc called the atomic ranch, mostly built and designed by an architect named drummond, i think. anyways, they are these crazy tiny ranch style homes with huge windows and kind of a space-agey 70's feel to them, they aslo seem kind of japanese-ish to me also. anyways, i have been hunting them down and longing for one of them to be my new house, but that's a ways off, and they're incresing in value around here, so i hear. i always catch on to things just as they get popular and expensive, never ahead of the curve...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.