Tuesday, July 18, 2006

junior varsity

i can't say enough about how i have been living for project runway. and....i hate to admit, but i'm rooting for the punk. i mean, in the aftermath, i really do think santino isn't all that bad, it was really just his cocky self i couldn't take. i can't believe they let that crazy british guy on, even after the diss, what is tim gunn thinking? not to mention that the networks picked it up. i rememeber when they did that to queer eye, didn't last though, probably because of that god-awful opening sequence. i mean, we all know they're gay, but i don't think i've ever heard any gayer music in my life, and i used to be a little gay dance club club kid too.

on another note, the bates motel.....is so boring. there's nothing to do there. i hate watching clocks. 62 days left, 4278 miles left to drive, 142.6 gallons of energy to consume for a job in which i don't even get paid, and 124 hours worth of driving time wasted on not seeing no.s 1 & 2.

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