Monday, November 20, 2006

the ocean on your tongue....

can't stop listening to tv on the radio....

my mom's best friend has pancreatic cancer and has 2 months to live. she's wayy freakin' out, and she's in a crazy funk about it too. but she stayed up late last night to make me a pumpkin jelly roll because she said she would. how awesomely mom-ish is that? i'm totally not that good of a mom.

it's late and i can hear my kids stomping their feet on the floor whilst in deep slumber. check out this paper i found on my floor tonight after no.1 was "playing computer games". uhh-huh, playing computer games, more like printer/copier games. and yep, that's right, basement dwellers get to live on sculpted orange basement carpeting too, for those of you who noticed.

i am completely hooked on that tv show heroes. if you had any superhero power, what would it be? what would be the most useful superpower? would you really want to read minds, or hear people's toughts? i think that would suck, i'd much rather be invisible. i definitely have a twisted kind of voyeuristic spy-type personality. what about never being able to get hurt? would you do stupid crap like jump off buildings? what would you do with your superpower, hoarde it, or use it for good? hmmmm...?


Dr Will said...

x-ray vision of course!

Anonymous said...

I totally want to be able to spontaneously combust.