Tuesday, February 13, 2007

loud and proud

yep, i passed 'em, and to brag, i passed with a 95(you can only get up to a 99). yep, now i have street cred. i can sign my name with letters behind it. although you can't call me doctor, i feel that i am entitled to hand out free medical advice without anyone's asking, because i am now an expert...on what, i'm still unsure. and oh goody, now i can start squishin' ol' lady boobies and watching them pass out during compression. woo-hoo!


Anonymous said...

congratulations!!! but then, i'm really not surprised.

so, now that your totally certified and shit, we can all start asking you totally rediculous medical questions, right? and maybe, like, pulling our shirts up and asking you to feel the lump and diagnose?

Anonymous said...

whoa congrats!

Anonymous said...

right on! congrats!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Just be glad you won't have to squish old man boobies.

Nik Wobbe said...

t- anything for a free feelski

wwe, 1/2paw- gracias

laocoon- actually man boobs are included in the arrangement, yes, tis true, men get breast cancer too..

Anonymous said...

For your sake, I hope the boobies aren't hairy.

For my sake, I hope they are!