Monday, February 26, 2007


i have got to get myself another part-time job filling up the two days of the week that i don't already work. it's not so much that i need the money, but that i feel like a slug on the days that i don't work. i mean, i don't have extra money, so i don't go out and do much shopping, i pretty much waste the days away napping, watching tv, or running small errands. now, i realize that if i didn't have the days off, i'd probably hate it and complain about how i never have any time to do all the little things that build up during the week that aren't able to be done during the weekends, but man, i feel i need to be a bit more productive. i'm sure once spring hits in full force, i'll completely change my mind, as i always get spring fever. i think my grades always drop during spring semesters, it's a wonder anything gets done during spring. who doesn't hate being trapped inside on the first few days of really nice weather after the winter cold departs? not me... speaking of departing winter, can i tell you how much i can't wait until winter is over? seriously, this cold weather is driving me crazy, more and more snow. i haven't seen this much snow in a winter in seriously like 10 years or more. good ol' global warming, f**kin up the jetstream..

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