Friday, March 16, 2007

if he gets up, we all get up, it'll be anarchy

i haven't much been feeling like posting lately. i just feel as if i have nothing to say. i seem to be working a lot. i seem to be having the same recurrent issues with my dating life. i do, however, seem to be feeling the largest itch to move out of my mom's house. although, how i would afford to live alone beats me. still, i yearn for a place to call my own, where no judgement is passed, i can concoct my own decorating scenarios, i don't have to worry about cleaning up for the housekeeper to come and clean up,(i always find that the most ridiculous request) and i think it's mostly because i realized that i have never lived alone. i did live alone in england for a few months, but that was a bedsit, hardly my own place, and i lived alone during college for one summer after my roomies moved on to bigger brighter things, but still, not my own. now i feel like i really NEED to live alone, yeah sure nos. 1&2 will be there, but they have no say in the decor. it's my newest mission. as soon as i start working full-time.

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