Thursday, January 09, 2014

What a difference 6 years makes...

Nope, I haven't seen a lick of blogger in 6 long years. Last time I wrote on here, boychild #1 was 7, and boychild #2 was 4. Respectively they are now 13 and 10(in case you just don't feel like thinking about math right now). I might start posting randomly on here, and I know that blogs that post often are "successful" blogs. I'm not sure if my goal is to be "successful" with my blog. I guess it's more a special interest page, i.e. if you find me interesting, check it out. Most of what I will post here will probably be art I like, projects I might be working on, and likely a lot of beautiful pictures of interiors I longingly want to be surrounded by. And I will also likely talk about parenting or show off some of my kids' cute faces. I can't guarantee consistency or entertainment. I want to be upfront about that. I am definitely not posting to the masses, as of yet, and therefore this is just a creative outlet and not a "job" or "chore". I feel like a lot of the blogs I have been reading lately have become very successful and the authors of those sites seem to be increasingly overwhelmed by blogging and life in general. I guess that come with the many opportunities that bloggers can create from showcasing their talents, and I wish them all continued success. I have enjoyed following their exploits and voyeuristically being a small part of their lives. If you enjoy what you see here, please don't hesitate to say hello, leave a comment, etc. I'd love to hear from you, even those quiet ones. And if you want a laugh, flip through those old posts, I might delete them in the future, but they are pretty strange for me to read today, versus ^ years ago, don't you agree? Here is to a successful new year, and I will wrap up with a picture of my 2 minions. Our 2013 Holiday photo...